Are Digital Devices Affecting Your Eye Health?

Have you ever considered how we managed our daily lives before having tablets or smartphones? These electronic devices, including laptops, command our attention during work, relaxation, and play. A study released by Deloitte found that Americans collectively check their smartphones upwards of 8 billion times per day. According to Deloitte, Americans across all age groups check… Read More

What To Know About Color Blindness

Color blindness happens when you cannot see colors correctly, also known as color deficiency. Color blindness occurs when someone is unable to distinguish between specific colors. Color Blindness usually happens between greens and reds and occasionally blues. According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, two types of cells detect light in the retina. The Rods detect… Read More

July Is Dry Eye Awareness Month

In 2005, the Sjögren’s Foundation asked Congress to officially declare July “Dry Eye Awareness Month” to help increase dry eye awareness while educating people about the symptoms and treatment options for dry eye, and the Prevent Blindness organization also declared July as Dry Eye Awareness Month. We want to join the foundations to bring awareness… Read More

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